Monday, December 29, 2008

Where Have I been you ask!!!

Well my life has become a "roller coaster"as Cris would say! I'm having a tough time slowing it down or jumping off of it rather! I am OFFICIALLY a PROFESSIONAL Cosmetologist and I LOVE it! Work is a little slow but that is to be expected when you first start out. I'm still working my other jobs as well. Lets just say thank goodness SOMEONE invented a PLANNER or I would be totally lost! I was in AZ for pretty much the whole month of November and it was GREAT!!! But I am back in good Ol' Utah and LOVING the snow!! It brings lots of snowball fights,building Snowmen out of RANDOM things around the garage,sledding, tubing, and not to mention drivers who think they are invincible on ICY roads CRAZY people! All in all life is OK. I promise i will update with some pictures soon! I've got lots of fun pics and videos from sledding and tubing so stay tuned!!! Love you ALL and have a WONDERFUL new year!!!

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Twilight Trivia Game

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

While you're waiting fo a NEW post.....

So i found this on someone else's blog and thought it would be fun to do seeing how i can't find my memory card for my pictures that i so desperetly need to update my blog with. Hopefully this will hold ya over for a while! Enjoy!
1. My rock star name (first pet and current car): Smoogie Sonata
2. My gangsta name (favorite ice cream flavor and favorite cookie): Chocolate Peanutbutter
3. My "fly girl" name (first initial of first name and first 3 letters of last name): M Sto
4. My detective name (favorite color and favorite animal): Pink Zebra
5. My soap opera name (middle name and city where you were born):Korynn Mesa
6. My Star Wars name (first 3 letters of your last name and first 2 letters of your first name): StoMa
7. My superhero name (2nd favorite color and favorite drink with "The" in front): The Green Sprite
8. My Nascar name (first names of your grandfathers): Fred Wilbur
9. My lounge singer name (name of your favorite perfume/cologne and your favorite candy): Clinique Red Vine
10. My witness-protection name (mother's and father's middle names): Lynette Dennis
Too funny!
What are yours? everyone should do this its pretty funny~!

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Bat Girl!!

Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na BATGIRL...
Shh, don't tell anyone my secret identity!

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

A little bit of an update!!!

I have decided I am the WORST blogger ever! I never have time to blog anymore! Hopefully that will all change soon enough! Just a few updates on my wild and CRAZY life.... It just gets crazier everyday!

1. I have a new job! I do ABA training for the CUTEST 7 1/2 year old Autistic boy!

2. I PASSED my practical state board last Thursday with flying colors! Hallelujah!

3. I only have two YES 2 more weeks left of school till I am officially done!

Thursday, October 9, 2008

I've been Tagged again!!!! yea

10 yrs ago:1998... I was in the fifth grade at Queen Creek Elementary. Mrs. Carr was my teacher and I was the biggest tom boy you'd ever meet! wow that was a long time ago!

5 things on today’s “to do” list:
1. go to school
2. Pack for the weekend
3. institute
4. pick up my room
5. pay car payment

5 snacks I enjoy:
1. oreos
2. red vines
3. caramel rice cakes
4. popcorn
5. chocolate

5 things I would do if I were a millionaire:
1. Get myself and my family out of debt
2. build a sweet salon
3. build a home
4. put in college fund for kids
5. buy a home away from home

5 places I have lived:
1. Mesa, AZ
2. Gilbert, AZ
3. Queen Creek, AZ
4. Sevier, UT
5. Higley, AZ

5 Jobs I have had:
1. teller at wells fargo
2. aba training therapist
3. quiznos
4. Physical Therapy Technician
5. home decor specialist

I tag Char, Cris, and who ever else wants to do this.

Monday, September 15, 2008

This is totally random

You are Elizabeth Bennet of Pride & Prejudice! You are intelligent, witty, and tremendously attractive. You have a good head on your shoulders, and oftentimes find yourself the lone beacon of reason in a sea of ridiculousness. You take great pleasure in many things. You are proficient in nearly all of them, though you will never own it. Lest you seem too perfect, you have a tendency toward prejudgement that serves you very ill indeed.

I've always loved the Movie Pride and Predjudice, and have related myself to Elizabeth! yeah.

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

All My Summer Fun!

Well this is some of my summer fun. All the pictures wouldn't upload dang it! This was on our way up to Palisade park for the 24Th , Jacob, Me, and Amanda. Jacob felt left out cause Amanda and I had sweet huge sunglasses so he had to find some too and all he found were these UGLY Dog the Bounty Hunter ones!!!! ha ha

me Jacob Amanda and Miranda

We had some PARTIES!!! at my house too here we are on the swing being goofy!!! We had a surprise party for our friend Trevor. we made him the coolest cake ever!!!! it was all cowboy'd out ill have to find a picture and post it. it was awesome! and he was surprised, well sort of!!

So this was Trevor's Second time on a horse and we went all out for it!!! As you can see Trevor has chaps on. he wore all Beaus clothes. So Amanda and I showed him a little Joseph town scenery. No one got bucked off either! Then we had a little photo shoot after we rode. it was good!

We did a lot more this summer I'm so mad that the pictures won't upload. We had a BBQ on the 4Th of July and all 14 of us floated down the canal twice!!! the we watched fireworks and watched a movie out on Poverty... for all of those who are NOT familiar to Poverty, it is a HUGE opening of nothing but dirt and sagebrush! We also go Bunny Bashing out there too Good Bunny Country!

we went up on the mountain rode four wheelers and went down the canal a lot!!! Got a Great tan and that's all that matters. Now everyone has left to go back to school so sad but hopefully they'll come back and visit!

So there ya have it what you've been waiting for all summer, the pictures really don't do it justice. This summer was one of my MOST favorite summers EVER!!!!!

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Tag, I'm It!

Ok, Marlee never posts anymore, so I am going to post for her! And if I can find a picture of her from High School, I will add that too! We miss you Marlee, please post soon! ~Cris :)

High School Tag

1. Did you date someone from your school? No
2. What kind of car did you drive? my dad's Ford F-350, an '84 Honda Accord, A Mercury Topaz, Ford Escort
4. Were you a party animal? Not like the way your meaning! But I had fun!
5. Were you considered a flirt? No
6. Were you in band, orchestra, or choir? No
7. Were you a nerd? No, I was cool!
8. Were you on any varsity teams? I helped with the Varsity Wrestling, Football, and Baseball (Manager)does that count?
9. Did you get suspended/expelled? Never!
10. Can you still sing the fight song? Not anymore
11. Who were your favorite teachers? Mrs. Brown
12. Where did you sit during lunch? in the cafeteria
13. What was your school's full name? Queen Creek High School
14. School mascot? the Bulldog's
15. Did you go to Homecoming and who with? Adam Petersen
16. If you could go back and do it again, would you? Definitely, That was a great time in my life!
17. What do you remember most about graduation? Sitting by Chase Thompson
18. Where did you go senior skip day? to the lake
19. Were you in any clubs? FFA, Student Council, Kennel Club
20. Have you gained some weight since then? Nope, not really!
21. Who was your prom date? Jared McCleve
22. Are you planning on going to your 10 year reunion? Yes! I love to visit AZ!

Sunday, July 20, 2008

I am a horrible bloger!

ok so life has been so crazy!!! i promise i will post im just waiting on my pictures! and waiting for time to do it. but needless to say everything is going good! just having a super fun summer!

Monday, June 23, 2008


I guess I never really related myself to Ariel??? but oh well. I even took this twice and used different answers so I guess I'm like her??? Who knew!


You Are Ariel!

Headstrong and fiesty. You have a mind of your own that's full of romantic dreams about the world around you. Exploring exotic places is your ultimate dream, and although you can be a little naive you'll realize that there is something to be gained from your family's wisdom.

Monday, June 16, 2008

I'm still alive!!!! Don't worry!

Please forgive me for not posting in like FOREVER! My life is just not that exciting to have anything to blog about. I am still alive and I'm still going to school and I'm still In Utah and I'm still Bored! ha ha Oh well. I am excited for summer! Thats when everyone comes up to visit us and that is always fun! So anyone who want to come visit, come on up we'd love to have ya!Ok I don't have anything else to say, oh I did put some stinkin cute highlights in my hair and I LOVE them! I will have to post a picture up so everyone can see them! ok that is all!

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

I have a twin!!!

So the other day Lyndsay sent me this email saying that I had a twin! so I thought to myself poor girl! and I really didn't think anyone would look like me, but then i scrolled down and saw the picture and almost fell out of my seat! I couldn't believe it! this girl really did look like me! we had just taken family pictures the week before and i had on a shirt almost identical to the one she is wearing! it was weird! take a look and tell me if that doesn't look like me or what??!!!

Tuesday, May 20, 2008


Ok, so here are some pictures i promised from Florida! Please excuse them they are out of order this is the first time I've ever uploaded more than one picture in a post and didn't know!!! But anyways, Florida was so so much fun! I think it was more fun because we didn't have to pay for a single thing, well except if we wanted lunch and souvenirs. Other than that all expenses paid. and they went all out for us, they fed us delicious food morning and night, fun entertainment, and they really know how to let their employees know they care about them! it was awesome! Here are the pictures they are completely out of order they actually go last day to first day.

We were treated to a CYNDI LAUPER concert, (just wells Fargo) and she was AMAZING! She is so stinkin cute! I only knew a couple of her songs so I wasn't going CRAZY like all of the other people there, and they were CRAZY! It was so fun to see her in person. She had so much energy, she was all over the stage and by the end of the night she was sweating so bad!!

This is Carie Tolstead she is the V.P. of W.F and she is really cute too. She has alot of spunk! She is pretty much a celebrity in the banking industry so WE HAD to get a picture with her!

On Wed. they had reserved half of Universal Studios and had a park party from 7-11pm and had like 6 attractions and restaurant opened for us so we got to eat and play all night long! The best ride there is the MUMMY ride from the movie, it's an indoor roller coaster it was so much fun we rode it 5 times not kidding! Here we are with Scooby and Shaggy, they had characters all around the park for us to take pictures with. oh and we we first got to Universal Studios they had a RED carpet rolled out for us to walk on into the park! How cool is that??!!! Brandy is the "we" in this picture! she is so much fun we work together and i swear she is the only reason I'm still at my job! she is the BEST co-worker ever!

This one I just had to throw in when we walked into the park there are all of these guys on stilts so the are so tall that you notice them right off! well he wasn't wearing a shirt and he was sort of buff and good looking so I took a picture of him and now he is famous on blogger we will call him .... hot boy on stilts!!! Yeah I'm a dork I know!!!

The second day we were there we went to Epcot and it was really hot! Here is me and Mom in front of the fountain and the Epcot "golf ball" thingy? I'm still not sure what it is called. oh well. we had fun here we didn't have a whole lot of time to play cause we had an awards ceremony at 4:30 so it was a short day! We rode the Test Track by GM and that was neat. and rode Soarin which is a classic that everyone has to go on.

Brandy and I at Universal studios' Island of Adventure with Thing 1 and Thing 2. thing one was like attacking Brandy, every character really like her or something cause thing 1 tickled her and Scooby kept on "licking her" poor Brandy It's just too bad she so dang cute! I didn't seem to have problems with any of them except for.......

..THE GRINCH! First covered my face and was trying to ruin my pictures! It was funny! sometimes you just wonder who is under that suit! Hopefully it was a guy instead of a girl!!! ha ha jk! I highly recommend going to Island of Adventure it is so much fun they have the HULK roller coaster that goes upside down and really fast and the dueling dragons where TWO coasters go at the same time and at one point in the ride you are about to crash into the other and then at the last second you go the opposite direction, its awesome!

It was nice to get away and have fun. hopefully I'll get the opportunity to go on another one sometime!

Monday, May 12, 2008

I've been tagged with the ABC'S!!!

A- Attached or single: well I wish I were attached but for the time being i'm loving being SINGLE (sometimes)
B- Best Friend: Cris (today)
C-Cake or Pie: both!
D-Day: they all seem to run together, but i'd have to say sundays, i get to sleep in and get to go to church!
E- Essential Item: makeup, and a comb!
F- Favorite Color: i change it from time to time but at the moment it is GREEN!
G-Gummi Bears or Worms: worms!
H-Home town: Queen Creek, AZ
I- Indulgences: going to Maurices
J- January or July?: JULY 4th of july and pioneer day! yeah!
K-Kids: none for now
L-Life is incomplete without: friends, family, and TARGET!
M- Marriage Date: T.B.A
N- Number of Siblings: 4, two of each
O- Oranges or Apples: Oranges
P- Phobias or Fears: I hate spiders and snakes. fear of never finishing school
Q- Quote: " No one makes me bleed my own blood."-white goodman (dodgeball)
R- Reason To Smile: anything that is funny!
S- Season: fall the changing color of the leaves and the weather is just right!
T- Tag Three: cris, erin, amilee
U- Unknown Fact About Me: I'm an open book?
V- Vegetarian or Oppressor of Animal: I eat at least a cheeseburger a week. does that mean anything?
W- Worst Habit: bite my fingernails when I'm nervous, or concentrating really hard!
X-Rays or Ultrasounds: ultrasounds are soothing and relaxing!
Y-Your favorite food: BARRO'S pizza it's the best!
Z: Zodiac Sign: Taurus

Friday, May 9, 2008

HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!! The big 21........

HAPPY BIRTHDAY MARLEE!!!!!! You are now officially OLD!!!!! We love you tons. Hope you had fun on your trip and we are waiting for pictures!

It's the only picture I could find.

Sunday, April 27, 2008

Spring Is In the Air

Marlee, I thought I would share some beautiful flowers with you! Look!! One of your favorites!! Hibiscus!! It is a beautiful time of year, enjoy the blooms!

Thursday, April 17, 2008

funniest thing I ever did see!

okay so this youtube clip is so funny! It's my friends boyfriend( he's the one with one arm) anyways they used this to answer a girl to prefrence (MORP) and its pretty lengthy but hillarious! so watch it!
if the http doesn't work go to youtube and type in tyce and porter. ENJOY!

Monday, April 14, 2008


In three weeks I will be here!!! I cannot wait! so here is the story behind why i get to go all the way to Florida. i work at W.F. as most of you know, and for all last year we are monitored on several criteria. the first being our sales tracking we must meet our goals every quarter, which there are four in a year, the second being WOW scores; our customers are surveyed on their experience during their transaction and we are graded on a scale of one to five, five being the highest, and the third recognition by our fellow co-workers. W.F. has a Sales conference once a year they go several places Hawaii, Orlando, California, cabo san lucas. They take the top tellers, service managers, and branch managers to these conferences. Well needless to say I was one of those top tellers i was actually #7 in the state of Utah and they only took the top SEVEN so i was close to not going! but I am and I'm so excited!!! Of course everything is paid for and we get to take a guest with us, so I am taking my Wonderful Mother!! actually I think SHE told everyone I work with that she was going before I had even decided to take her! oh well we will have so much fun and i can't wait. We leave on the 5th of May and come back May 9th(my birthday) it will be nice to go and get away especially for my b-day! even though we will be on the plane for most of it! I will try and take tons of pictures and post about it when I get back!

Wednesday, April 9, 2008


Well today is cutie pie maddison's 7th birthday! I always remember her birthday because it exactly one month before mine! So I thought I'd give her, her very own post! even though I know her mother and Erin already have! so anyways I wish her a day full of fun and giggles! Next year will be even better! LOVE ya MADDIE girl!
p.s. I chose this pic cause it one of my favorites of Maddie teeth missing and all!

Monday, March 31, 2008

So Dissapointed!

So thanks to Cris I've done nothing but fall in love with a vampire!! Yes i know you all know what I'm talking about! His name is Edward Cullen and I Love him! It's just too bad he's a fictional character in a BOOK! Of course it always has to be too good to be true! Anyways i just finished the Third Book and I CANNOT wait till August to read the fourth book. I just wish it would go on forever, these books are my escape into another world and I don't know what I'm going to do when they are over. it makes me sad. No More dreams of Him, and no more picturing me as Bella! Oh Dangit! I'll survive somehow I'm sure. maybe someday MY Edward Cullen will come and save me! I'm not giving up hope just yet! if anyone else is as obsesed as I am her is the link to Stephenie Meyers web site and the movie pictures!

Tuesday, March 18, 2008


6 things you didn't know about me....

1. I have to have my bed made before i can put my clothes away! (which it never gets made so therefore i never put my clothes away! oops!)

2. I hate Whipped Cream

3. I drive with my knee more than 85% of the time.

4. I miss seeing my family more than they think i do.

5. I cry in any movie I watch after 11:00 pm, doesn't matter what kind of movie it is!

6. I've already met the man I'm going to marry!!!(He just doesn't know it yet!!!)

i tag...char, lyndsay, and whoever hasn't done this yet!

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

I love what I do!!!

This is my friend Kent and he has a sweet MOHAWK! he came in to see me yesterday and wanted to bleach it out and trim it so i did and then decided to actually style the bad boy! which he hardly ever does. so this is what it turned out looking like! AWESOME! it was even really windy yesterday when he left and it didn't budge at all! Oh Yeah I'm AMAZING!!!! trust me i didn't do all of the cutting we had to improvise because the boy didn't want to lose much length. so please don't judge this picture on my cutting because if it were up to me it would mach the back, but then Kent would have cried and i didn't want to make a boy cry!!! ha ha

Monday, February 25, 2008

my bff!

Erin told me my blog was lame cause i didn't have any pictures so i figured i'd put a few on for y'all. This here is one of my bestest friends, Katie i work with her at the bank and i love her to death she is one of my most favorite people in the world. She is hillarious everyone should have a friend like katie. LOVE YA KATIE JO!

Thursday, February 7, 2008

and the results are......

well we had the results for our skills olympics and...... i won..... absolutly nothing! yeah i was really dissapointed. i thought i had done a good job but i guess not good enough! oh well. so im debating right now what to do with my financial sittuation... i work 12 hours a week for the bank and 4 hours at a boutique store and i still find my self struggling for money to pay the bills, i dont know if i should get another job monday thru thursday after school, but if i do where am i going to work??? i refuse to work AT walmart and fast food. so that doesnt leave many options. i dont want to get burned out from working all the time and i just dont know what to do. why cant i just find some hot rich guy that will be able to help me out??? which leads me to my next thing.. im sick of being SINGLE these next 10 months are going to go by so freaking slow and not to mention who knows if well even be together when he gets home anyways??? i would hope so but its not set in stone. im just so lonley i want some lovin! ha ha! well thats enough from me talk to y'all later!

Thursday, January 31, 2008

its been a while

so i havent blogged for a while and i thought id let you all know i am still alive!! thank goodness! well my life hasnt changed much, still crazy as usual. life here in good old sevier utah is going good its been snowing alot latley, so that means icy roads and cold days, it also means that im late for school almost everyday because they dont believe in plowing the roads at 7:30 in the mornings so yeah loads of fun! well yesterday at school we had a skills olympic competition. we had to match a picture and then change that style into an evening style. we also had to do four acrylic nails (forms) on a dowel. that is not my strongest ability. but i think i did pretty good. we sont find out who won until tuesday. long time away but it better be worth it!!! well thats all for now ill let you know how it went on tuesday. tootles

Tuesday, January 8, 2008


Today was my second day back to school and it has been so much fun! well, yesterday morning i had to do a three color weave on a lady who's hair was down to her butt! no kidding, well we weaved in some blond with a red brown color and then what was left out of foils we colored that with a darker warm brown. it turned out gorgeous, and she LOVED it!! Are you guys getting the picture? anyways when you get your hair done at a school you pay way way less then you would anywhere else. she most likely only had to pay maybe 35.00 for three colors. if you were to go to a regular salon that would have been around.. say 95-115.00. so yeah she was getting a total discount. anyways as student we are allowed to take tips if given. well I'm thinking this lady is going to be generous and give me a nice 5.00 tip. well she gets up and says thanks and then goes and pays for her color(s), then walks out the door! i was so mad and disappointed, i worked so hard and all i got was the satisfaction of doing a good job?!! that's a nice reward and all, but I'm a poor poor college girl! she should know that!

well the moral of this story is.. if you ever go to a restaurant or get your hair done please please tip them (except if they did an absolute horrible job and didn't even try). if its just a few dollars we'll take it.. (we'll take anything, serious!) so please put yourselves in our shoes and think how nice that would be to be shown how much you are appreciated. well gotta run. peace!

Friday, January 4, 2008

first day!

As you all know I work at the bank and today was my first day at our new
location.. I used to work inside albertsons but since our cute little
podunk towns population is too small for two branches we have
consolidated into one. So myself and five coworkers with a little
hesitation (ok a lot!) moved our tight knit family into a very
intimidating BIG branch. So as I said before today was my official first
day there! And let me tell ya I felt as if I was a brand new employee!
Which I'm not I've almost worked there for two years now. I didn't know
where anything was and I was too scatterd to ask anyone for help to find
things and I am so glad I only work 2 days a week now. It is a mad house
there. We are so busy whith our regular customers and the big branches
customers that its hard to keep up with everything! I miss our little
hole in the wall branch it was so fun and cozy and we could be loud and
obnoxious cause we were in a store where it is loud anyways! Now its so
quiet and everything echos. Oh well it will take a lot of getting used
to and a lot of adapting to my new surroundings. I'm gald the girls are
still with me to turn to when I need them!
I start school on monday! I'm way excited I've missed being there!
Although I haven't missed the early rising! Its good for me right? Well
I have a little over 700 hours only 1300 more to go! Seems like a lot
but it goes by fast! I figure in about 8 or 9 months I should be done! I
hope its sooner! Well I'm planning on posting pictures sometime! So you
can see some from our last day at the instore and see some of the girls
I work with and some other random stuff too! Ill get good at this
sometime! And thanks erin for helping me with this stuff your awesome!