Monday, December 29, 2008

Where Have I been you ask!!!

Well my life has become a "roller coaster"as Cris would say! I'm having a tough time slowing it down or jumping off of it rather! I am OFFICIALLY a PROFESSIONAL Cosmetologist and I LOVE it! Work is a little slow but that is to be expected when you first start out. I'm still working my other jobs as well. Lets just say thank goodness SOMEONE invented a PLANNER or I would be totally lost! I was in AZ for pretty much the whole month of November and it was GREAT!!! But I am back in good Ol' Utah and LOVING the snow!! It brings lots of snowball fights,building Snowmen out of RANDOM things around the garage,sledding, tubing, and not to mention drivers who think they are invincible on ICY roads CRAZY people! All in all life is OK. I promise i will update with some pictures soon! I've got lots of fun pics and videos from sledding and tubing so stay tuned!!! Love you ALL and have a WONDERFUL new year!!!


Lyndsay Winters said...

I'm glad you can appreciate winter in Utah...not all of us can! Post your pictures!

Stock Family said...

I'm glad you are enjoying the snow as well! I'm pretty happy right now in the 75 degree weather. Can't wait to see those pics! Have fun working all of those jobs. Daisy still asks where you are by the way, and Slade always replies saying that you live in Utah, and Daisy will reply with an, "oh!" Everytime. We all miss you :)

Brandon and Camille Smithson said...

You were here for a while month and never called! What's up with that?!? I'm so happy for you... you are a professional. That's awesome. I may have to have you cut my hair for me sometime.