Monday, March 31, 2008

So Dissapointed!

So thanks to Cris I've done nothing but fall in love with a vampire!! Yes i know you all know what I'm talking about! His name is Edward Cullen and I Love him! It's just too bad he's a fictional character in a BOOK! Of course it always has to be too good to be true! Anyways i just finished the Third Book and I CANNOT wait till August to read the fourth book. I just wish it would go on forever, these books are my escape into another world and I don't know what I'm going to do when they are over. it makes me sad. No More dreams of Him, and no more picturing me as Bella! Oh Dangit! I'll survive somehow I'm sure. maybe someday MY Edward Cullen will come and save me! I'm not giving up hope just yet! if anyone else is as obsesed as I am her is the link to Stephenie Meyers web site and the movie pictures!

Tuesday, March 18, 2008


6 things you didn't know about me....

1. I have to have my bed made before i can put my clothes away! (which it never gets made so therefore i never put my clothes away! oops!)

2. I hate Whipped Cream

3. I drive with my knee more than 85% of the time.

4. I miss seeing my family more than they think i do.

5. I cry in any movie I watch after 11:00 pm, doesn't matter what kind of movie it is!

6. I've already met the man I'm going to marry!!!(He just doesn't know it yet!!!)

i tag...char, lyndsay, and whoever hasn't done this yet!

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

I love what I do!!!

This is my friend Kent and he has a sweet MOHAWK! he came in to see me yesterday and wanted to bleach it out and trim it so i did and then decided to actually style the bad boy! which he hardly ever does. so this is what it turned out looking like! AWESOME! it was even really windy yesterday when he left and it didn't budge at all! Oh Yeah I'm AMAZING!!!! trust me i didn't do all of the cutting we had to improvise because the boy didn't want to lose much length. so please don't judge this picture on my cutting because if it were up to me it would mach the back, but then Kent would have cried and i didn't want to make a boy cry!!! ha ha