Tuesday, September 1, 2009


5 things I was doing 5 years ago:
1. A Junior in High School
2. Babysitting
3. taking stats for Wrestling team!
4. living life debt free!
5. living in Arizona
5 things on my to do list (in no particular order):
1. make money
2. have an in home salon
3.go to Hawaii
4. find a husband!:)
5. buy/rent a house
5 things I would do with a million dollars:
1. save some
2. build house
3. pay off debt
4. pay tithing
5. help someone in need
5 places I have lived:
1. Gilbert
2. Mesa
3. Queen Creek
4. Higley
5. Sevier Utah
5 things I want to be doing in 5 years:
1. living a happily married life!
2. starting a family
3. be a semi busier hairdresser
4. not living in my parents basement!
5. living debt free