Friday, January 4, 2008

first day!

As you all know I work at the bank and today was my first day at our new
location.. I used to work inside albertsons but since our cute little
podunk towns population is too small for two branches we have
consolidated into one. So myself and five coworkers with a little
hesitation (ok a lot!) moved our tight knit family into a very
intimidating BIG branch. So as I said before today was my official first
day there! And let me tell ya I felt as if I was a brand new employee!
Which I'm not I've almost worked there for two years now. I didn't know
where anything was and I was too scatterd to ask anyone for help to find
things and I am so glad I only work 2 days a week now. It is a mad house
there. We are so busy whith our regular customers and the big branches
customers that its hard to keep up with everything! I miss our little
hole in the wall branch it was so fun and cozy and we could be loud and
obnoxious cause we were in a store where it is loud anyways! Now its so
quiet and everything echos. Oh well it will take a lot of getting used
to and a lot of adapting to my new surroundings. I'm gald the girls are
still with me to turn to when I need them!
I start school on monday! I'm way excited I've missed being there!
Although I haven't missed the early rising! Its good for me right? Well
I have a little over 700 hours only 1300 more to go! Seems like a lot
but it goes by fast! I figure in about 8 or 9 months I should be done! I
hope its sooner! Well I'm planning on posting pictures sometime! So you
can see some from our last day at the instore and see some of the girls
I work with and some other random stuff too! Ill get good at this
sometime! And thanks erin for helping me with this stuff your awesome!


Stock Family said...

Yeah for school! I am so proud of you for going to school. You will be able to have a million kids and work at home! Good luck with the 1300 more hours! Love ya MarMar!

Erin Phelps said...

So sorry your first day was a little hard. Hope it gets easier for you. Let me know if you need help posting the pictures. you can always email me with them. Love ya tons.

T+C=N said...

Oh yay! Youve joined the blogging world! I miss you! Thank you so so much for the cute Christmas card. I have it hanging up cuz it made me so happy :) Love ya!